Beginner Photo Walk and Class

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Beginner Photo Walk and Class


Want to learn or review the basics of using your 35mm SLR camera? Our Beginner Photo Walk starts with a 45 minute class and ends with you shooting a roll of film in the beautiful Juilliard Park in Santa Rosa! Already comfortable with your 35mm SLR but want to join in the walk? No problem! Everyone is welcome to participate in the photo walk through Juilliard Park.

The Class

  • Begins at 10:30 am

  • 45 minutes

  • $20 per person

  • 6 seats available

  • instructed by Jeremiah Flynn

During this class you will learn the fundamentals of film photography and how to control the variables of your camera. Bring your 35mm camera and be ready to learn!

If you don’t have a 35mm camera but would like to attend the class to try one, please contact us at least a week prior to reserve one of our cameras for the day. (Available while supplies last and subject to a rental fee.)

(Classes for medium and large format photography will be available in the future.)

*This class is for film cameras only, please do not bring a digital camera

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